Disclosure policy

Disclosure policy

We strive to provide shareholders and investors with information rapidly with transparency, fairness, and continuity as basic.
We strive to follow the timely disclosure rules established by Securities and Exchange Act and Japan Securities Dealers Association, and disclosure effective information that can describe our company aggressively.

Method of disclosure

Important information that corresponds to the timely disclosure rules, we will expose through the Timely Disclosure Network (TD-net) provided by the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
After registration to the TD-net, promptly provide the same information to the media and publish on our website without delay.

Future outlook

Besides past and the current facts, such future outlook and strategies of TAKAMIYA is just a prospect for the future performance, based on judgments and assumptions made by currently available information.
Therefore, actual results may differ significantly from forecasts due to the changes of risks, uncertainties, and economic situation. Please refrain from relying only on the outlook of these results.

Silent period

We make three weeks before earnings announcement a silence period, prevent the leakage of important information of the company, and ensure fairness. We refrain from answering the comments and questions about the finacial results. However, this does not apply to the information that has already been disclosed.
If the earnings forecast expected to be changed significantly during the silence period, we will disclose the appropriate information timely in accordance with timely disclosure rules.

Organizational structure for Investor Relations

IR Structure